MR GORMAN (2) was a beaten favourite fresh up after a long spell at Gympie when needing the run and being unsuited by that track. He is a quick improver and can make amends. Follow your money. JOHNNY UTAH (1) has needed all of his 3 starts back from a spell and is now ready to put his best hoof forward on what is his first run on his home track. Stick with him on an each-way basis. MAD MISSION (8) is knocking on the door for his next win, and he was a solid runner-up at Gatton last time out. Hard to beat in this easier field. YES I'M UGLY (6) will be resuming from a spell that would have done her the world of good. She has more upside than most in this, and a win would not shock. RICHUNCLEMONEYBAGS (3) was beaten by a nose fresh up at a recent Wandoan picnic meeting. He benefits from a 3kg claim and can go one better here.